Saturday, November 26, 2011

OSHO Rajneesh Quotes and Sayings

  1. a disciple can only give his enlightenment to the master
  2. a true master
    can at the most only inspire you
    to live your being…live in your light
  3. you don't need anything except yourself and your totality
  4. it is a sheer luxury
    a windfall of great fortune to find a true master
    and bhagwan master of masters
    the most evolved being ever to walk this earth
    the man of all centuries
  5. on reaching the state of no mind
    the mind disappears like dewdrops…just simply evaporates
    the mind was just a shadow…of unawareness
  6. Consciousness you need to earn not through meditation only
    but through meditativess.
    Allowing that inner space of silence to prevail the whole form
    to filer through the bodymind and
    to create roots in the bodymind
  7. bhagwan does not ask anyone to change in anyway whatsoever
    transformation is a different matter and a different plane altogether
    change requires horizontal movement
    learning more and getting more experience and gaining knowledge
    makes one more knowledgeable
    transformation requires vertical movement
    unlearning and experiencing inner states
    and drowning into knowing leads to awarenes
  8. remain a witness to your emotions
    as if from a great distance
    an eagles eye view
    slowly this simple knack
    of remaining a detached witness to your subtle emotions will grow stronger
  9. then witness the entire body and all its bodily movements
    this will lead to a slowing down of bodily actions
    the witness will grow stronger

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