Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Holistic Health
Monday, May 3, 2021
Who else can feel the energy shifting
This is not about “selfish” people thinking only of themselves and ignoring suggested “health” restrictions or wanting to put others in jeopardy.... this is about a group of humans who care DEEPLY about other humans and humanity as a whole.
We have the respect for human life
We understand the frailty of it and we are also opening up to the power of the human spirit in resonance with the Creator and each other.
Knowing that we are co creators (we help to define our reality with our Creator) is a SUPERPOWER........ that many of us are waking up to and it’s not only FASCINATING, . ITS EXCITING , ITS EMPOWERING .. THE WORLD IS WAKING UP
May anyone reading this feel the warmth of love in your heart today. May you feel the wind on your skin, the sun on your face, the smell of rain, the whispers of the trees blowing, the laughter of a child, the touch of a loved one, , the smile of a friend, the memory of a loved one passed on, the deep connection with animals , the beauty of Mother Nature.
May you feel the energy of truth and God force universal energy behind you and supporting you.
May you know deep within how important you are to this world and may you never give up on your mission that you came here for.
Awareness and understanding of how our Consciousness and DNA work together makes a big difference now. This was confirmed, that 97% of our DNA called “unused” contains information derived from deep space to be activated. Only we can save ourselves from any genetic manipulation!..Supporting each other in organic evolution, sharing of knowledge and releasing competition is necessary. Expansion of Consciousness is the only way that one can exist free on the Earth
When you light one candle from another, there are two equal flames, and the first flame does not subside. You can light another hundred or even a thousand candles from one candle, but its flame will not diminish. The laws of mathematical division doesn't work here. In the same way, one consciousness creates another consciousness, one spirit gives birth to another spirit. This is how spirits multiply.
Blessing is the Art of Divine Alchemy. When you bless someone or something, whether human, plant or animal, you create a shield of divine protective light over what you bless by wishing that everything that comes in contact with this energy is for its highest good. God, or the Universe, as you want to call it, blesses you and protects you through the Holy Spirit, filling you with wisdom and understanding, guiding you and illuminating every step of your existence on earth. You are the spark of the Holy Spirit. Feel it and humbly accept that in the beginning you were "Word". You are a man now but at first you were Intent. The Divine intended to create you. And now you are Creation, a Divine Creation. You exist Now. Do you realize how deeply connected you are to God before you were even born? If so, why do you agree to be told what to do, what to believe, what to listen to, and what to say in order to "access" God? Do you understand how sacred your connection with God is before you were even born? Do you understand that you were not born in sin as you were told and that you must not renounce any Satan because your EXISTENCE, YOUR BIRTH, respectively your INCARNATION, were not his intention but that of GOD? Ancient and authentic knowledge has been anointed in such a way that you as a human being never become aware of your power as a being created in His image and likeness. Do you understand that this is why you are a blessing? If so, start now and bless yourself. Bless your life. Bless your existence no matter if there have been painful experiences ... because of them you have learned to overcome obstacles and grow. Thanks to them, you started to know yourself, to recognize yourself, and in most of the cases it because of them you searched for God. Bless your body whether you are sick or healthy now, fill it with light, love and forgiveness. Bless your work, whether you receive little or receive much, because by blessing it you fill it with divine light and in this way you prepare for something better. Bless your money, many or few, because in this way you will increase your vibration and the ways of manifesting money in your life. Bless your day, your food, the water you drink, because that's how you integrate the Light into your body. Bless your partner, children, family, friends and absolutely everything you do throughout the day. Stop for a second and bless the person who is close to you, whether he or she is close to your body, mind or soul. You can do it mentally, imagining it wrapped in a bubble of Bright White Light like a Diamond. Bless your relationships with your partner, with your relatives, with your collaborators, with you ... because no matter if you are "alone", you have yourself to learn how to become whole again.
Bless with love everything you touch, and make a habit of it, that wherever you are and everything around you to be touched by peace and Divine Love... because what you send to the Universe is what comes back to you.
I bless You, Man that which since the beginning were pure Divine Intention!
You have squeezed yourself into the span of a lifetime and the volume of a body, and thus created the innumerable conflicts of life and ...
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