This time like all times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last night, I was deeply disappointed that I ran headlong into a writer’s worst nightmare ‘the writer’s block’ and after pottering around for more than an hour attempting to get going with the blog I simply quit. Funnily enough I enjoyed a good sleep but on waking up was racked with pangs of guilt on not writing the blog, suffering the ignominy of being idealess and I suspect more depressed at the blow to my ego. However as the day wore on it occurred to me that the experience of the previous night was not entirely wasted; after all I was subject to the painful realization of my own limitations; having made the decision to give up and go to sleep my dilemma was resolved and I enjoyed blissful sleep; and on waking up I was glad to rediscover my competitive drive. That time (yesterday when I stared for an hour at a blank screen attempting to write) just like the present moment that I am writing and this moment that you are reading this post are all equally invaluable provided each of us is doing exactly what was/ is required.
Our successes or failures in life are nothing but net effect of the time we spend fruitfully minus the time we waste in doing things that either we ought not to do or should do at another time. Look back at our own student days and reflect on how much effort we put into studies and how much time we spend in day dreaming, hanging out with friends, sleeping, watching movies TV partying etc. It is not as if to suggest that the latter activities are to be avoided but definitely they must be restricted for each of us is fortunately or unfortunately privy only to 24 hours of the day. A good test to understand how much time we utilize productively is to ask if we have any regrets. The more the regrets the greater the waste of our limited time. Ask if you have taken time out to smell the flowers as you traverse the paths of life. If you haven’t then soon you would realize the frustrtionof having the time but squandering it.
Another test to find out if we have made good use of our time is to answer the question’ what will I do with the last 10 minutes of my life?’
Ask if you would end telling yourself the following
I will go around telling those whom I love that I love them passionately
I will go around pardoning all those who hurt me
I will go around seeking pardon from those I hurt,
I will loosen my purse strings and liberally give out to charity etc.
Some questions that will haunt you then are
Can I do all this in 10 minutes?
Should I have not done this all the time?
Why did I waste my time on frivolous things when I should have spend more time with loved ones?
Was my life worth whatever I achieved?
Will someone really grieve for me?
Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He, who can call to-day his own:
He who, secure within, can say:
“To-morrow, do thy worst, for I have liv’d to-day.”
Try this:
Ask yourself right now if this is the right time to read the blog. If your answer is yes then go on and read a few more blog posts including the weekly post at Academy for Creative Training If your answer is NO, then stop reading and slot a time to read and henceforth make it a point to read these posts only at that time.
Any time is perfect to do the following. Ensue that you practice as many of these as often as you can.
Last night, I was deeply disappointed that I ran headlong into a writer’s worst nightmare ‘the writer’s block’ and after pottering around for more than an hour attempting to get going with the blog I simply quit. Funnily enough I enjoyed a good sleep but on waking up was racked with pangs of guilt on not writing the blog, suffering the ignominy of being idealess and I suspect more depressed at the blow to my ego. However as the day wore on it occurred to me that the experience of the previous night was not entirely wasted; after all I was subject to the painful realization of my own limitations; having made the decision to give up and go to sleep my dilemma was resolved and I enjoyed blissful sleep; and on waking up I was glad to rediscover my competitive drive. That time (yesterday when I stared for an hour at a blank screen attempting to write) just like the present moment that I am writing and this moment that you are reading this post are all equally invaluable provided each of us is doing exactly what was/ is required.
Our successes or failures in life are nothing but net effect of the time we spend fruitfully minus the time we waste in doing things that either we ought not to do or should do at another time. Look back at our own student days and reflect on how much effort we put into studies and how much time we spend in day dreaming, hanging out with friends, sleeping, watching movies TV partying etc. It is not as if to suggest that the latter activities are to be avoided but definitely they must be restricted for each of us is fortunately or unfortunately privy only to 24 hours of the day. A good test to understand how much time we utilize productively is to ask if we have any regrets. The more the regrets the greater the waste of our limited time. Ask if you have taken time out to smell the flowers as you traverse the paths of life. If you haven’t then soon you would realize the frustrtionof having the time but squandering it.
Another test to find out if we have made good use of our time is to answer the question’ what will I do with the last 10 minutes of my life?’
Ask if you would end telling yourself the following
I will go around telling those whom I love that I love them passionately
I will go around pardoning all those who hurt me
I will go around seeking pardon from those I hurt,
I will loosen my purse strings and liberally give out to charity etc.
Some questions that will haunt you then are
Can I do all this in 10 minutes?
Should I have not done this all the time?
Why did I waste my time on frivolous things when I should have spend more time with loved ones?
Was my life worth whatever I achieved?
Will someone really grieve for me?
Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He, who can call to-day his own:
He who, secure within, can say:
“To-morrow, do thy worst, for I have liv’d to-day.”
Try this:
Ask yourself right now if this is the right time to read the blog. If your answer is yes then go on and read a few more blog posts including the weekly post at Academy for Creative Training If your answer is NO, then stop reading and slot a time to read and henceforth make it a point to read these posts only at that time.
Any time is perfect to do the following. Ensue that you practice as many of these as often as you can.